Osteopathy is a system of assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. Osteopaths are commonly known for treating back pain and postural problems including changes due to pregnancy, caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and minor sports injuries.
Osteopathic care is based on the individual needs of the patient and so vaires depending on age, fitness levels and diagnosis. Osteopaths use a wide range of gentle hands-pn techniques, focusing on releasing tension, stretching muscles and mobilising joints. These are often used with exercise and helpful advice, together with strapping or taping all of which are designed to help relieve pain, help return to normal activity levels and maintain the best of health.
Osteopaths are highly trained healthcare professionals who are skilled in diagnosing health issues, including those that may require further investigation. On your first visit we will ask you about your current symptoms and a medical history. All information will be treated as confidential in accordance with the standards of practice set out by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018
What is Osteopathy?
Jayne Murphy BSc (hons) Osteo
Denham Osteopathy & Sports Injury Clinic, led by Jayne Murphy, is a well-established practice in South Bucks. With 13 years of experience, Jayne, holding an honours degree in Osteopathy specialises in treating sports injuries and providing care for elderly patients. Her extensive qualifications include, therapeutic ultrasound, dry needling and kineso taping, personal training, fitness instruction and sports therapy.
Outside of work Jayne is passionate about fitness, hiking and road biking. She actively supports charities like Myeloma UK and Thames Hospice and has raised over £40,000 over the past 10 years. Some of her events have included, walking the Camino de Santiago de Compestella, London to Paris bike ride, Lands end to John O'Groats - ride across Britain, Chase the Sun - South (205 miles in a day), and many many more.
During the Covid pandemic, Jayne served as a Healthcare Assistant at Hillingdon Hospital, working in A&E, orthopeadic and maternity wards. She also played a vital role in the NHS Test & Trace team. Moreover Jayne is dedicated to educating and empowering women on women's health, particularly peri and menopause. She is an active member of the Menopause Experts Group, British Menopause Society and the International Menopause Society. Jayne conducts workshops covering menopause and health, psychology and nutrition. Her next goal is to attain a menopause coaching qualification, further enhancing her ability to support women during this transformative phase of life.